
Responsive Menu by Stu Nicholls
Copyright © 2017 Stu Nicholls

Drane Field Road lane closures and traffic delays

Start date: September 18, 2024; estimated duration: 2 years Drane Field Road lane closures and traffic delays

Click here for IPOC Trials and Events

Our Entry Level Classes

All our classes are group classes.

We have two, entry level classes:

  1. Puppy Class is for pups who are from 8 weeks to 5 months old at the time of enrollment.
  2. Basic Obedience is for all dogs who are 6 months old or older at the time of enrollment.

All Our Classes

IPOC's training program is for dogs who are able to participate in a group training class without showing signs of extreme stress, extreme fear, or aggression toward other dogs or people.

If IPOC's dog screening questionnaire detects those behaviors or a dog demonstrates those behaviors during class, the dog's owner/handler will be directed to a private behavior trainer, of the owner's choice, who will help the owner or handler understand the dog's triggers and develop a training plan that is best suited for the dog and owner or handler's needs.

All classes in our Agility program share the prerequisite of the Agility Foundation class.

Classes in our Rally and Obedience programs have two prerequisites: Basic Obedience and Advanced Basic.

The Scent Work program, Tricks, and Service Dog Skills classes share one prerequisite: Basic Obedience.

Owners of pet dogs or dogs who will not participate in Competitive Events who want more than what we teach in Basic Obedience may pursue that goal in our Urban Dog, Advanced Obedience, and Tricks classes.

Classes are described in our Class Catalog.

If you choose to mail your completed Class Registation Form with payment and a copy of your vaccination record to our PO Box, please make sure that your envelope is postmarked at least 14 days before each Session's First Class.

The Price of Classes

Applies only to Monday Agility classes when Memorial Day or Labor Day land on a Training Session Non-member
Associate Member 1
Non-active Member 2
Active Member
6 Monday Agility classes in 7 week training session. Classes won't meet on Memorial Day or Labor Day $100
6 classes meet once a week
requires instructor's approval
$20 per class day $15 per class day
Points per class limit 20
Agility, Obedience, Rally,
Scent, classes that require
Registration and are neither Free
nor Conformation Practice
Associate Member 1
Non-active Member 2
Active Member
7 week training session $115
7 classes meet once a week
requires instructor's approval
$20 per class day $15 per class day
Points per class limit 20

Estrus, in season, in heat

Female dogs in season must wear leakproof pants, when in the building.

Adults and Children

Adults and children may participate in our classes.

For all classes and for each dog in a class, only one person is allowed in the ring.

Children only

Please visit the Fees section farther down this page to read the special low rate for children.

Minors do not need to be IPOC Club members, but they must be at least 9 years old and younger than 18. Exceptions may be made for younger children, after they demonstrate the ability to handle a dog, without the assistance of an adult.

My dog already has his Basic Obedience diploma

If you are interested in any IPOC program and you have a dog who is new to IPOC, who is not a beginner, who has received instruction elsewhere, please get in touch with us to schedule an appointment

  1. to evaluate your dog's behavior and temperament toward other dogs and people,
  2. to have you and your dog demonstrate the skills that we teach in our Basic Obedience class, and
  3. to have you and your dog demonstrate the skills that you learned elsewhere and that will qualify you for advanced placement.

2025 Training Session Start and Stop Dates

2025 Sessions First Class Last Class Wednesday Tests:
CGC (Canine Good Citizen),
Tricks, Temperament
Saturday Tests:
CGCU (Urban Dog)
1 Jan 6, 2025 Feb 22, 2025 Feb 26, 2025ε Mar 1, 2025ε
2 Mar 3, 2025 Apr 19, 2025 Apr 23, 2025ε Apr 26, 2025ε
3α Apr 28, 2025 Jun 12, 2025 Jun 18, 2025ε
4β Jun 23, 2025 Aug 14, 2025 Aug 20, 2025ε
5γ Aug 25, 2025 Oct 9, 2025 Oct 15, 2025ε
6δ Oct 20, 2025 Dec 13, 2025 Dec 17, 2025ε Dec 20, 2025ε

αNo Monday night Agility classes on Memorial Day.

βNo classes on Independence Day week during 2025's fourth training session.

γNo Monday night Agility classes on Labor Day.

δNo classes on Thanksgiving week during 2025's sixth training session.

εBy appointment only.

Class Schedules, Trials, Events

Class schedules are posted two or three weeks before the start of a training session.

Trials and Events are visible along with our classes below, but you may prefer to view only trials and events.

Other Fees

Free Classes Non-member
Associate Member 1
Non-active Member 2
Active Member
Service Dog Skills Class Free Free


Conformation Practice Non-member
Associate Member 1
Non-active Member 2
Active Member
Drop-in Conformation
Buy 6, Get 7
$90 for 7 weekly classes $60 for 7 weekly classes
Drop-in Conformation $15 per class $10 per class


Obedience Practice
timed 30 minute slots
Associate Member 1
Non-active Member 2
Active Member
Pay To Train
Buy 6, Get 7
$90 for 7 weekly
30 minute slots
$60 for 7 weekly
30 minute slots
Pay To Train
individual ring training
$15 for 30 minutes $10 for 30 minutes
Ring Use for Private Lesson 9 N/A $30 per hour
Ring Rental per hour 10 N/A $30 per hour


Rally Practice Non-member
Associate Member 1
Non-active Member 2
Active Member
Rally Virtual $25 per run $20 per run
Rally Run Through $10 per run $5 per run


Evaluations and Tests Non-member
Associate Member 1
Non-active Member 2
Active Member
AKC Canine Good Citizen
CGC evaluation 4
$25 per dog $20 per dog
Community Canine Good Citizen
CGCA evaluation 5
$25 per dog $20 per dog
Urban Canine Good Citizen
CGCU evaluation 6
$25 per dog $20 per dog
AKC Trick Dog evaluations 7 $25 per dog $20 per dog
AKC Temperament Test 8 $25 per dog $20 per dog
Basic Obedience
PASS/FAIL test 11
$20 $15

1 Associate Members must pay the Non-member price until Active Member status is achieved.

2 Members who are not Active Members must pay the Non-member price.

4 More information about the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) evaluation is here.

5 More information about the AKC Community Canine Good Citizen (CGCA) evaluation is here.

6 More information about the AKC Urban Canine Good Citizen (CGCU) evaluation is here.

7 More information about the AKC Trick Dog evaluations is here.

8 More information about the AKC Temperament Test is here.

9 Only, IPOC Member to IPOC Member, or IPOC Member to IPOC Student, and may be scheduled only on days when the Training Center is open for Pay To Train or for group classes, but not while Pay To Train or group classes are in progress. Please read the class schedule in the calendar to verify availability. Instructor must provide proof of insurance.

10 IPOC Members only.

11 This test is only for students who want to skip IPOC's Basic Obedience class. To do that, your dog will be asked to perform the items from the PASS/FAIL test as described in the class catalog's Basic Obedience entry.

One Time Discount for Rescued Dogs

We think that rescued dogs deserve a second chance and that an obedience class will give them and their new owners a better opportunity to succeed together.

Each rescued dog is eligible to receive a one time, $15 discount, from the regular price of an entry level class:

  • Puppy Class, or
  • Basic Obedience

That offer is valid up to one year after the adoption date with proof of adoption from a well known rescue organization.

To qualify for that discount, please include a copy of your proof of adoption from a well known rescue organization with your Class Registration form, copy of your dog's vaccination record, and payment.

New Dog Training Equipment for Sale

We have various kinds of collars and leashes as well as other things.

If you should need a particular piece of equipment, please ask your instructor.